Help Chris Reach His March Campaign Goal

20 donors
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Contributions are tax deductible.

Help Chris McCreight's campaign reach its goal of 20 more campaign contributors by the end of March. 

Chris McCreight's campaign is funded by regular New Yorkers like you who want a more honest government and a stronger Democratic party.

Chris is running a smart campaign where every dollar raised is being spent on direct voter contact.

Any contribution is greatly appreciated and will be well spent making a real difference in New York politics.

The maximum allowable contribution for Individuals,
Partnerships, PACs, LLCs and LLPs is $4,400.00.
Corporations are limited to $5,000.00 annually to all campaigns in New York State.

Political contributions are not tax-deductible.

You can also send a check,

payable to Friends of Chris McCreight, to:

Friends of Chris McCreight
7911 5th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11209